Sunday, June 21, 2009

Some go up some go down

To say yesterday was a roller coaster for me would be a big understatement. I started off the day playing on Pokerstars, and honestly I had a pretty good day there. Been playing their $10 DONS, and cashing most all of the ones I've played. Yesterday was no different and in the end I finished the day up.

Pokerstars Bankroll: $204

Fulltilt and I had another back and forth day. It started off bad and just seemed to get worse and worse for me. It was suck out after suck out, which eventually led to bad decisions by me as I got upset more and more. However, eventually I got control of it and turned some things around, finishing 5th in a pretty big game and 1st in another. Over all a positive day on fulltilt.

Fulltilt Bankroll: $617

Now I still have a lot of things I need to work on, hopefully here shortly I'll begin work on my live play. I still have some books to go trhough and take some stuff from. Hopefully Cartel strategy sessions will start soon and those will help as well.

Know this is short, but gotta run.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Ups and Downs

Just like any other day today was filled with ups and downs on the poker scene for me.

Players Only where I had been doing quite well, was not good to me today, nothing seemed to go my way and before I knew it I lost everything I had on that site. I won't be putting anymore on there so this is the last of the site you will here about from me unless there is some miracle involved.

Pokerstars which has been good to me was ok today I won another DON, but entered a $11 guarantee game and well that was anything but nice to me. First my AA gets cracked by a guy chasing, then my QQ, then 10 10 not long after that my KK got beat by 23. Nothing seemed to go right in that tourny at all! However the day wasn't bad and in the end I only lost $2.

Pokerstars Bankroll: $188

Fulltilt the one I love to hate, I tell you it started off bad for me on fulltilt. First I dropped almost $50 at the cash tables. Sat with $25 at two different tables and before I knew it I had $5 left, however I did manage to scratch back after a few hours and close that table out at $46. Now tournaments were killing me on fulltilt, so many I played so well and got beat by runner runner, it was getting so rediculous. Seemed like I was gonna end up dropping another $100 on fulltilt quickly when I finally struck some gold, lol. Played in a $6 90 man KO game and ended up taking first for over $100.

Fulltilt Bankroll: $610

Now I haven't done much reading or studying this weekend actually been spending 90% of the night hanging with the family and wrestling with my daughter, but I do have some books put to the side to read and catch up on also.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another day and yet again I gotta ask....

Another day down and yet again I gotta ask, wtf is wrong with Fulltilt? Here lately it seems to have gotten worse and worse. I don't know how many times one can make the right move and get screwed over by one that makes the wrong move.
When it happens once, then ok, but when it happens multiple times within minutes of ea. other you have to start to wonder wtf.
Today's wonderful hand from Fulltilt:

150 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:31:21 ET - 2009/06/18
Seat 2: pappasmurftg (40,674)
Seat 3: PerfectionD (52,532)
Seat 4: squaledart (23,676)
Seat 6: Nikolatz (37,917)
Seat 7: Lee96 (9,766), is sitting out
Seat 8: watchdog26 (20,144)
Seat 9: BustDaBay510 (27,468)
pappasmurftg antes 150
PerfectionD antes 150
squaledart antes 150
Nikolatz antes 150
Lee96 antes 150
watchdog26 antes 150
BustDaBay510 antes 150
Lee96 has reconnected
Lee96 posts the small blind of 600
watchdog26 posts the big blind of 1,200
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to watchdog26 [Ah Td]
BustDaBay510 raises to 3,600
pappasmurftg calls 3,600
Lee96 has been disconnected
PerfectionD folds
squaledart folds
Lee96 has reconnected
Nikolatz folds
Lee96 folds
watchdog26 calls 2,400
Lee96 has returned
*** FLOP *** [4d Ts Jh]
watchdog26 checks
BustDaBay510 checks
pappasmurftg bets 1,200(ok he's min betting into a pot of over 10k)
watchdog26 raises to 16,050(I know he's missed this so I'm coming over the top)
BustDaBay510 folds
pappasmurftg calls 14,850
*** TURN *** [4d Ts Jh] [7h]
watchdog26 bets 344, and is all in
pappasmurftg calls 344
watchdog26 shows [Ah Td]
pappasmurftg shows [9s Qs] (really? called a check raise with this hoping for 1 of 8 outs)
*** RIVER *** [4d Ts Jh 7h] [Kd] (oh and of course the river gives it to the shitty call)
watchdog26 shows a pair of Tens
pappasmurftg shows a straight, King high
pappasmurftg wins the pot (45,238) with a straight, King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 45,238 | Rake 0
Board: [4d Ts Jh 7h Kd]
Seat 2: pappasmurftg showed [9s Qs] and won (45,238) with a straight, King high
Seat 3: PerfectionD folded before the Flop
Seat 4: squaledart folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Nikolatz (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Lee96 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: watchdog26 (big blind) showed [Ah Td] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 9: BustDaBay510 folded on the Flop

Nothing goes right on Fulltilt for me today.

Fulltilt Bankroll: $516

Now Players Only again I'm hitting the $1/$2 tables and I'm enjoying them. Was up and down a bit, but still think the play there is soft and easy to beat. Only played about 45 min, but still made a profit over all so I was happy with that.

Players Only Bankroll: $293

Pokerstars I'm liking more and more ea. day. I played in a couple DON's and split those and also in a $5 game with almost 2k in people in it. Played for a long time and went out 67th. Tough beat to go out on ended up all in pre flop with my QQ facing AK, but an Ace hit the flop and I didn't hit one of my remaining Q's and I was out. Was a very good game though, and I felt I played great, made some great reads and some big laydowns. Saw a few tournies on there that when I have the time I'd like to sit down and have a go at.

Pokerstars Bankroll: $190

All and all I feel I'm moving in the right direction on 2 of the sites, still got to turn around on Fulltilt though. So I'm feeling pretty good about my online play. Hopefully here over the next few weeks I can start working on my live play as well. Then I can start keeping the running tab of that BR on here also.
Also the time is coming up for me to focus on my health. Gonna start getting back into the gym and watching what I eat. Basically I'm going to do everything I can to eliminate all possible excuses for not getting where I want to be next summer and going deep in some tournies.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

An ok day but fulltilt is insane!

Well over all I can't complain about my day this morning on the tables. Played a $10 DON on Pokerstars and for the longest time I didn't think I was going to pull it out. I wasn't getting any hands and with 7 left I was the short stack. However, it took just one hand and I was a solid chip leader and coasting my way to victory. Pokerstars I gotta say has been treating me very well this week and I'm slowly beginning to like the site.

Pokerstars Bankroll: $168

Again I hit the $1/$2 tables on Players Only and again I'm convince that they are some of the softest games I've seen online. Played about an hour and my biggest pot came when I hit a set of 4's on the flop. Ended the day there up once again which I'm really liking.

Players Only Bankroll: $281

Now fulltilt, fulltilt has always been my favorite site, but more and more it's getting on my last damn nerve. I said before that it seems fulltilt favors players from Germany and so far this week it's held true with b.s. hands like this:

Seat 1: watchdog26 (7,740)
Seat 2: BetmoWinmo (16,025)
Seat 3: alfalfa (16,015)
Seat 4: Emwood (18,940)
Seat 5: ennds11 (4,142)
Seat 6: Big Rans 23 (4,225)
Seat 7: Poker Ninja 666 (3,875)
Seat 8: Shogun68 (7,914)
Seat 9: wuppertaler1 (9,631) Germany
Emwood posts the small blind of 100
ennds11 posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to watchdog26 [Jc As]
Big Rans 23 folds
Poker Ninja 666 folds
Shogun68 folds
wuppertaler1 calls 200
watchdog26 raises to 700
BetmoWinmo folds
alfalfa folds
Emwood folds
ennds11 folds
wuppertaler1 calls 500
*** FLOP *** [2s Ah 8s]
wuppertaler1 checks
watchdog26 bets 1,700
wuppertaler1 calls 1,700
*** TURN *** [2s Ah 8s] [Ad]
wuppertaler1 checks
watchdog26 bets 5,100
wuppertaler1 has 15 seconds left to act
wuppertaler1 raises to 7,231, and is all in
watchdog26 calls 240, and is all in
wuppertaler1 shows [4s Js] Really? WTF is that
watchdog26 shows [Jc As]
Uncalled bet of 1,891 returned to wuppertaler1
*** RIVER *** [2s Ah 8s Ad] [3s]
wuppertaler1 shows a flush, Jack high
watchdog26 shows three of a kind, Aces
wuppertaler1 wins the pot (15,780) with a flush, Jack high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 15,780 | Rake 0
Board: [2s Ah 8s Ad 3s]
Seat 1: watchdog26 showed [Jc As] and lost with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 2: BetmoWinmo didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: alfalfa (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Emwood (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: ennds11 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Big Rans 23 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: Poker Ninja 666 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: Shogun68 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: wuppertaler1 showed [4s Js] and won (15,780) with a flush, Jack high

After that hand I just had to call it a day on fulltilt. Seems like more and more the worse someone plays the more they get rewarded on there. However, I did end the day up over all on their, but soley cuz of the cash tables.

Fulltilt Bankroll: $535

Now it's my weekend and I'm gonna spend some time reading up on some things and watching some vids.

As it's going now I'm pretty happy with the progress so far and it looks like I'm on a good path for next summer.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Another Decent Day

Well another day has passed and yet again I had a very good day overall on the tables. Only played about an hour, but made a pretty good overall profit in that hour.

Once again I hit Pokerstars to play a $10 DON. Really didn't get any hands throughout the whole game, in fact I think I only broke 2k in chips one time the majority of the game I hovered around 1800. I tell you though, this game had to have the longest bubble I've seen in a sng. Think it took about 40 min to break through it. Now I don't know if the big stack was working with the other short stack or he just sucked that bad, but I swear he seemed to dump off 600 chips to the guy every other hand. However, I managed to survived and double my money.
Also had a bit of generosity given to me on PS from a friend which helped boost my BR quite a bit on there.

Pokerstars Bankroll: $159

Once again I sat at Players Only to play the $1/$2 nl tables. Don't know but for the most part the cash games here feel really soft to me. I sat with $120 and was up and down for a while when I got the following hand: UTG I get QQ and I raise it to $7 and get 1 caller, flop is KQ5 rainbow and I bet out $14 into a $17 pot, guy calls, so right now I'm putting him on AK, AQ or Kx, turn comes and it brings a 3 and I put in $ 40 the guy thinks and puts me all in, of course I'm happy to oblige and he flips over AK, the river is a meaningless A for him and I scooped up a nice $234 pot. Didn't stay long after that as fortunately it happend right as I was getting ready to call it a morning.

Players Only Bankroll: $244

Now Fulltilt is a spot that has just been killing me as of late. I jumped in a $3 k.o. game on their and well it just didn't go well, got AK 4 times and everytime I got murdered with it. Decided to go and sit with $10 on the cash tables and after about 25-30 min was up to $15 and just decided to call it a day. This is my favorite site, but I'm either red hot or ice cold here and that can be super frustrating!!!

Fulltilt Bankroll: $446

Some time in the next few weeks I'm going to load up $10-$20 on both UltimateBet and Cake Poker and try my luck on those sites.
Would like to get to where I'm able to pull out $100-$150 ea. month from ea. site and put it away for next summer.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Not a bad day

Well all and all my day on the tables today wasn't too bad. It started off like it was gonna be piss pooor, but in fact it turned itself around pretty nicely.
Played a $10 DON on Pokerstars and ended up winning that, so I've added to the BR. Had $30 yesterday on there, and now I'm sitting at $50. Actually starting to like PS a little more, and it's not just cuz I'm winning. Seems hands hold up a little better there, but I'm going to tread slowly in those waters! lol

PS Bankroll: $50

Remembered I had some money on Players Only so I opened it up and sat at the $1/$2 nl tables for a bit. Sat with everything I had on there which was $76. Actually played fairly well there and I think there is some big money to be made there as people just don't seem that good on that site, lol. After about 45 min I left the table and was up to $131 so I can't complain :)

PO Bankroll: $131

Now fulltilt has been the one kicking the ever loving shit out of me. Hands just don't want to hold up on there, and today started off no different. I was quickly down some, but between the .50/$1 nl tables and placing 6th in a $3 k.o. game on there I managed to pull out a meager profit on the site.
Not sure what it is with fulltilt but there is no in between with me really, I either run really hot or really cold. Really odd that you go from cashing 90% of all your games to not cashing at all and it happens seemingly over night.
Didn't do much else as far as studying or learning goes today as it's hard to cram all that in there on a work day, but I'll be hitting that stuff more this weekend and hopefully get some other ventures in motion :D

Fulltilt Bankroll: $446

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Starting off slow

Well got off work this morning and decided to jump in a few games on fulltilt. Let's just say that didn't work out so well. I swear I think fulltilt and Germany have some sort of back door deal, cuz I've never seen such crap cards get played by players and the flops hit them so perfectly in my life. Watched one guy go from 3k to 22k in about 5 hands and the best thing he played was 10h8c, it was ridiculous to see. I should have just quit after the first game, but stupid ol me went on and on.
I did put $30 on Pokerstars, a site I really don't enjoy playing at all. While messing around on there though I jumped into a FPP game and ended up winning $11 tourny dollars so I guess that's a start, lol.
Need to sit back and make a plan and a tracking system so that I can reach my goals this year, but right now I'm so tired I can barely think.

Beginning of a quest

Just got back from Vegas about a week ago. Had a great time, but feel I missed out on a lot due to being ill prepared. So because of that I'm starting to prepare for next summer now :D

I plan on playing in at least 1 WSOP event next summer, but my goal is 2 events. So I will need to start saving and putting my money away now. I'm going to make a few seperate accounts so to speak for next summer and put away what I can. Going to get the biggest bulk of my money for the summer from my poker, both online and live play. However, I won't just be looking to funder the Poker trip, but also a nice summer trip for the family. So the way I figure it, to do everything I want to do I will need to put away or make about 12k available for both trips.

Here you can follow along the ups and downs of my poker journy as far as making the money goes, but I will also start a running total of what I have put away for it all.

Right now $0 I'll try and post a total at the beginning of ea. week.