Thursday, June 18, 2009

Another day and yet again I gotta ask....

Another day down and yet again I gotta ask, wtf is wrong with Fulltilt? Here lately it seems to have gotten worse and worse. I don't know how many times one can make the right move and get screwed over by one that makes the wrong move.
When it happens once, then ok, but when it happens multiple times within minutes of ea. other you have to start to wonder wtf.
Today's wonderful hand from Fulltilt:

150 - No Limit Hold'em - 11:31:21 ET - 2009/06/18
Seat 2: pappasmurftg (40,674)
Seat 3: PerfectionD (52,532)
Seat 4: squaledart (23,676)
Seat 6: Nikolatz (37,917)
Seat 7: Lee96 (9,766), is sitting out
Seat 8: watchdog26 (20,144)
Seat 9: BustDaBay510 (27,468)
pappasmurftg antes 150
PerfectionD antes 150
squaledart antes 150
Nikolatz antes 150
Lee96 antes 150
watchdog26 antes 150
BustDaBay510 antes 150
Lee96 has reconnected
Lee96 posts the small blind of 600
watchdog26 posts the big blind of 1,200
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to watchdog26 [Ah Td]
BustDaBay510 raises to 3,600
pappasmurftg calls 3,600
Lee96 has been disconnected
PerfectionD folds
squaledart folds
Lee96 has reconnected
Nikolatz folds
Lee96 folds
watchdog26 calls 2,400
Lee96 has returned
*** FLOP *** [4d Ts Jh]
watchdog26 checks
BustDaBay510 checks
pappasmurftg bets 1,200(ok he's min betting into a pot of over 10k)
watchdog26 raises to 16,050(I know he's missed this so I'm coming over the top)
BustDaBay510 folds
pappasmurftg calls 14,850
*** TURN *** [4d Ts Jh] [7h]
watchdog26 bets 344, and is all in
pappasmurftg calls 344
watchdog26 shows [Ah Td]
pappasmurftg shows [9s Qs] (really? called a check raise with this hoping for 1 of 8 outs)
*** RIVER *** [4d Ts Jh 7h] [Kd] (oh and of course the river gives it to the shitty call)
watchdog26 shows a pair of Tens
pappasmurftg shows a straight, King high
pappasmurftg wins the pot (45,238) with a straight, King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 45,238 | Rake 0
Board: [4d Ts Jh 7h Kd]
Seat 2: pappasmurftg showed [9s Qs] and won (45,238) with a straight, King high
Seat 3: PerfectionD folded before the Flop
Seat 4: squaledart folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Nikolatz (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Lee96 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: watchdog26 (big blind) showed [Ah Td] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 9: BustDaBay510 folded on the Flop

Nothing goes right on Fulltilt for me today.

Fulltilt Bankroll: $516

Now Players Only again I'm hitting the $1/$2 tables and I'm enjoying them. Was up and down a bit, but still think the play there is soft and easy to beat. Only played about 45 min, but still made a profit over all so I was happy with that.

Players Only Bankroll: $293

Pokerstars I'm liking more and more ea. day. I played in a couple DON's and split those and also in a $5 game with almost 2k in people in it. Played for a long time and went out 67th. Tough beat to go out on ended up all in pre flop with my QQ facing AK, but an Ace hit the flop and I didn't hit one of my remaining Q's and I was out. Was a very good game though, and I felt I played great, made some great reads and some big laydowns. Saw a few tournies on there that when I have the time I'd like to sit down and have a go at.

Pokerstars Bankroll: $190

All and all I feel I'm moving in the right direction on 2 of the sites, still got to turn around on Fulltilt though. So I'm feeling pretty good about my online play. Hopefully here over the next few weeks I can start working on my live play as well. Then I can start keeping the running tab of that BR on here also.
Also the time is coming up for me to focus on my health. Gonna start getting back into the gym and watching what I eat. Basically I'm going to do everything I can to eliminate all possible excuses for not getting where I want to be next summer and going deep in some tournies.

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