Sunday, June 14, 2009

Beginning of a quest

Just got back from Vegas about a week ago. Had a great time, but feel I missed out on a lot due to being ill prepared. So because of that I'm starting to prepare for next summer now :D

I plan on playing in at least 1 WSOP event next summer, but my goal is 2 events. So I will need to start saving and putting my money away now. I'm going to make a few seperate accounts so to speak for next summer and put away what I can. Going to get the biggest bulk of my money for the summer from my poker, both online and live play. However, I won't just be looking to funder the Poker trip, but also a nice summer trip for the family. So the way I figure it, to do everything I want to do I will need to put away or make about 12k available for both trips.

Here you can follow along the ups and downs of my poker journy as far as making the money goes, but I will also start a running total of what I have put away for it all.

Right now $0 I'll try and post a total at the beginning of ea. week.

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