Monday, June 15, 2009

Not a bad day

Well all and all my day on the tables today wasn't too bad. It started off like it was gonna be piss pooor, but in fact it turned itself around pretty nicely.
Played a $10 DON on Pokerstars and ended up winning that, so I've added to the BR. Had $30 yesterday on there, and now I'm sitting at $50. Actually starting to like PS a little more, and it's not just cuz I'm winning. Seems hands hold up a little better there, but I'm going to tread slowly in those waters! lol

PS Bankroll: $50

Remembered I had some money on Players Only so I opened it up and sat at the $1/$2 nl tables for a bit. Sat with everything I had on there which was $76. Actually played fairly well there and I think there is some big money to be made there as people just don't seem that good on that site, lol. After about 45 min I left the table and was up to $131 so I can't complain :)

PO Bankroll: $131

Now fulltilt has been the one kicking the ever loving shit out of me. Hands just don't want to hold up on there, and today started off no different. I was quickly down some, but between the .50/$1 nl tables and placing 6th in a $3 k.o. game on there I managed to pull out a meager profit on the site.
Not sure what it is with fulltilt but there is no in between with me really, I either run really hot or really cold. Really odd that you go from cashing 90% of all your games to not cashing at all and it happens seemingly over night.
Didn't do much else as far as studying or learning goes today as it's hard to cram all that in there on a work day, but I'll be hitting that stuff more this weekend and hopefully get some other ventures in motion :D

Fulltilt Bankroll: $446

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